
Women in Leadership: Interview with Managing Director Cynthia Gebeily

Written by Cedar Rose | Mar 7, 2023 5:00:00 AM

In honor of International Women's Day, Cedar Rose would like to recognize and celebrate the amazing contributions of the women who make our company thrive.

We are especially proud to highlight an interview with our very own Cynthia Gebeily, Managing Director of Cedar Rose. Cynthia's leadership has been instrumental in shaping Cedar Rose's values and culture, fostering an environment of respect, equality, and inclusion. Her commitment to empowering women in the workplace is truly inspiring, and we're grateful to have her as a leader and role model at Cedar Rose.

Cynthias, why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

International Women's Day is an important occasion to celebrate the achievements of women around the world, recognize the progress that has been made towards gender equality, and reflect on the work that still needs to be done. It's a day to highlight the contributions of women to society, raise awareness of the challenges they face, and advocate for gender equity in all aspects of life.

What inspired you to take on a leadership role at Cedar Rose?

I could see that Cedar Rose was poised for success, and I was eager to be part of its growth story. I knew that by taking on a leadership role, I could help shape the direction of the company and make a positive impact on the lives of others and to help drive change in the business world. I believe that leadership is about taking responsibility, setting an example, and empowering others to reach their full potential.

In your experience, what are some of the challenges that women face in leadership positions today?

Although I was fortunate enough to receive tremendous support from Cedar Rose shareholders, the team, and my husband, which made my experience rather pleasant, I acknowledge that some of the challenges that women face in leadership positions today include bias and discrimination, limited access to resources and opportunities, and expectations that may differ from those placed on their male counterparts. It's important to note that one of the most significant hurdles for women in leadership is often their own self-doubt, which can hold them back from pursuing leadership roles or sharing their ideas and insights. The key to overcoming these challenges lies in cultivating determination, resilience, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. Above all, I believe the most important thing for women in leadership is to challenge themselves first and foremost, and to have confidence in their abilities and potential.

For women who aspire to become leaders, what advice would you give them?

For women who aspire to become leaders, my advice would be to believe in yourself, take risks, and surround yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals who will uplift and encourage you. Seek out mentorship and coaching, and never stop learning and growing. Don't be afraid to advocate for yourself and others and use your voice to effect positive change in your organization and community.

About Cynthia Gebeily

Cynthia , a Certified International Credit Professional with a strong background in investigation and research, is the Managing Director of Cedar Rose. She joined the company in 2012 as a Credit Analyst & Editor, later becoming the Head of Credit Reporting and General Manager in Lebanon. Cynthia is very motivated by success and by our company motto “Strive for Excellence”. She encourages her team to do just that. Whilst she looks very calm and gentle, Cynthia is a member of the Ladies of Harley – a group of Harley Davidson riders in Lebanon - and loves nothing more than to be out on the road in her leathers.