
Cedar Rose - Leaders in Know Your Customer & Entity Verification

Written by Cedar Rose | Mar 20, 2020 4:00:00 AM

Cedar Rose Positioned as Leader in Know Your Customer & Entity Verification in One World Identity`s 2019 Identity Industry Landscape

Cedar Rose Recognized for KYC & KYB Deterministic Data

New York City, New York November 21, 2019 Cedar Rose today announced that it was recognized as a leader in Know Your Customer (KYC) & Entity Verification (KYB) by One World Identity (OWI). OWI is a market intelligence and strategy firm focused on identity, trust, and the data economy. Each year, OWI designs an Identity Landscape, providing a comprehensive and holistic view of leaders in the identity space. As the identity industry is rapidly developing, OWI`s landscape provides an unparalleled overview of how digital identity applications are evolving and the companies and markets shaping next-generation digital identity.

With over 400 companies and 35 market segments, the 2019 Identity Landscape visually depicts a growing and maturing industry. The new, unique landscape format allows companies to touch multiple market segments, reflecting on the dynamic nature of digital identity applications. The OWI team selected 415 identity companies from a pool of over 2,000 based on several factors.

  • Each company must be an identity company OR have a distinguishable line of business focused on identity.
  • Each company must be at least 3 years old or have raised $3 million.
  • Each company must have a functioning product in the market.

Since 2017, the number of identity companies has more than quadrupled, from 500 companies to over 2,000, said Travis Jarae, CEO and Founder of OWI. With the wave of data breaches and privacy scandals, there is a rapid expansion of identity products and solutions. The OWI team interacts with identity companies every day, from startups to enterprise. We`re proud to share the Identity Landscape each year to distill how new companies, products, and solutions are shaping the future of identity.

Cedar Rose has been recognized as a leader in Know Your Customer (KYC) & Entity Verification (KYB). The company provides business intelligence solutions which include electronic identity verification for both people and businesses. Cedar Rose has uniquely covered one of the more difficult geographical regions for KYC and KYB including many countries in the Middle East and North Africa as well as Russia, Romania and Turkey. The company has also recently been recognized by the European Business

Awards as Ones to Watch and awarded the National Winner prize for Digital Technology, with the final judging to take place in December.

Antoun Massaad, Cedar Rose`s founder and CEO said, "The region we have traditionally been covering for business intelligence, Know Your Customer and Entity Verification data has certainly had its share of challenges and we are working hard every day to not only increase our coverage in these difficult regions, but to expand our services to offer global entity verification very soon. To be recognized by organizations like One World Identity and to be included on their 2019 Identity Industry Landscape is a testament to the hard work our teams are putting in every day. It makes me very proud for Cedar Rose to be included amongst the top companies in the world for our KYC and KYB identity verification services as well as for the digital technology that enables them. Having traditionally been providing credit reporting and due diligence services for over 20 years, electronic identity verification is a fairly new line of business for us since 2016 and I`m glad that we grasped the opportunity to be at the forefront of this exciting new industry.

Digital identity is the core of digital transformation. From personal to professional applications, identity is the foundation for how we connect, engage, and interact in the digital economy. As there is increasing consumer demand for privacy and security, digital identity is no longer a nice-to-have; it is a pillar of success. The OWI Identity Landscape is a tool to help companies keep track of market growth and trends and understand the strategic importance of digital identity moving into 2020 and beyond. OWI will be releasing a more detailed research report delving into the details of each market segment and how companies within the industry overlap and intersect in upcoming months.

Download a complimentary copy of OWI`s 2019 Industry Landscape at

About Cedar Rose: Cedar Rose is an innovative, digital technology-focused business intelligence agency providing company profiles, credit reports, due diligence, data subscriptions and electronic identity verification services for companies and individuals. The company has traditionally covered the Middle East and North Africa, though has been expanding to offer global coverage in many services over recent years. Cedar Rose was founded in the UK in 1997, and is now based in Cyprus and Lebanon.

About OWI: OWI is a market intelligence and strategy firm focused on identity, trust, and the data economy. Through advisory services, events and research, OWI helps a wide range of public and privately held companies, investors and governments stay ahead of market trends, so they can build sustainable, forward-looking products and strategies. OWI was founded in 2015 and is the host of the KNOW Identity Conference that takes place in Vegas April 5-8, 2020.

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