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Cedar Rose has successfully been accredited the ISO 27001 certification for information security management. Being the leading international standard focused on information security, it was developed to help organizations, of any size or any industry, to protect their information in a systematic and cost-effective way, through the adoption of an Information Security Management System.

Commenting on the achievement, Antoun Massaad, the Co-Founder and CEO of Cedar Rose, stated, “Our reason for undertaking the ISO certification was to lead by example and demonstrate that data protection is a high priority for our company. Our data is accessed by highly regulated industries including government bodies, banking, financial services, and insurance organisations globally, so it is imperative that we ensure the highest security of this data to further enhance the trust, quality and credibility within our business relationships.”

John Patounas, the CIO of Cedar Rose added, “The ISO 27001 certification demonstrates effective security controls that Cedar Rose has in place. It proves compliance with legal, contractual, and commercial requirements. This is achieved through the improved business management processes, efficient operating procedures, and transparency in business operations.”

This recognition is part of Cedar Rose’s continuous efforts to improve implementation of security controls through innovation and strict procedures to meet their clients’ needs. Above all it demonstrates a dedicated and systematic approach at Cedar Rose to overall quality management at every level of their operation and will serve as a milestone in their roadmap to enhance performance and customer service.

To find out more about Cedar Rose call +357 25 346630 or visit www.cedar-rose.com.