
Exploring the Differences Between Data Protection and Data Security

Written by Cedar Rose | Feb 5, 2024 5:00:00 AM


In everyday language, the terms "Data Protection" and "Data Security" are often misused or used interchangeably. A clear and uniform definition of both terms does not exist, yet they differ from each other.

What is the difference between data protection and data security?

Today, every company encounters the terms "data protection" and "data security" in their daily work. Specific measures and processes must be established in a company to ensure the objectives and prerequisites of both terms are met. Many are unaware that these two terms differ in their goals and processes – even though they are closely related in content. There are many similarities but also differences between data protection and data security that must be observed in practice. In many companies, it is believed that data protection is not possible without data security. This is true in some areas and especially in various company processes, but there are also measures by which data security can harm data protection. There are no uniform definitions for both areas, as they can be defined and interpreted differently today. It is all the more important to know the similarities and differences in their basics to be able to implement both processes sensibly in the company.

Data Protection vs. Data Security

To distinguish data protection from data security, one must understand what the two terms mean and what they stand for.

Data protection is about the protection of personal data. The focus here is not on the content of the data, but on the right to informational self-determination. Personal data is always discussed when a direct personal reference can be established through the collected, processed, or used data. This can be, for example, the name, address, or telephone number. But also a license plate, location, or social security number. With the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation in 2018, the legal requirements were specified and tightened. Data protection thus deals with the legal questions under which conditions personal data may be collected, processed, or used.

Data security deals with the general protection of data, regardless of whether there is a personal reference or not. Thus, data security includes not only personal data but all data of a company. Data security is therefore not about whether data may be collected and processed, but about what measures must be taken to ensure data protection. This is to achieve data security in the company. Data security is thus a state that is to be achieved through appropriate and effective measures. Data protection and data security thus go "hand in hand". To ensure data protection in a company, measures for data security are indispensable. Conversely, data protection can only be achieved if measures for data security have been taken. All in all, there is no data protection without data security and vice versa. However, data security can also negatively affect data protection: For data security, it can be advantageous to store collected data as a backup, for example, in a cloud. In the event of data loss on the hard drive, this can be restored using the cloud. For data protection, storing data on a cloud is fatal: Because storing data on the cloud constitutes a transfer, for which a legal basis or clear consent must exist. In addition, an order data processing contract must be concluded in the event of access by, for example, IT staff. Thus, measures in data security can solve a problem, leading to a new problem within data protection. Therefore, structured organization and a functioning system are indispensable for the success of both processes.

Data Protection and Data Security


  • Protection of data
  • Confidential handling of data
  • Measures must be taken to ensure protection.
  • The company must establish regulations to ensure both.


  • Data protection: personal data; Data security: all data
  • Data protection: protection of informational self-determination; Data security: protection against loss, destruction, etc.
  • Data protection: legal regulations; Data security: technical measures/solutions to be found

About Cedar Rose

Cedar Rose‘s commitment to 'Striving for Excellence' for over 25 years is an operational reality. Our approach in handling data protection and data security in our work has enabled us to maintain successful, long-term relationships with clients who rely on our expertise in these critical areas.